Saturday, October 8, 2011 0 comments


While we wait for more artists to get on board with Purchase Progress, there are still plenty of ways to make the world a better place. Being a fun and web-based game that makes a donation to feed the hungry with every answer you get right, Free Rice is a great place to start!

Also, let's not forget about the ongoing occupation to take back our country from the corrupt and greedy 1%. Click on the picture below to join me in the peaceful protest!

Monday, October 3, 2011 0 comments


The world needs your help. Are you up to the challenge?

Purchase Progress was created by E.S. Wynn, chief editor of Thunderune Publishing and author of over thirty published books, as a place where individuals with a few bucks and a desire to make progressive change in the world can buy from artists willing to make those changes. Take a look around, see what some of our artists have pledged to do to make the world a better place and drop a few dollars on quality, independent art knowing it will manifest as progress toward a world we can all enjoy equally.

Spread the word! We might not always have the time to change the world, but we can always Purchase Progress.

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Sunday, October 2, 2011 0 comments

Artist Submission

Purchase Progress is open to all artists and to those who create all forms of art. Authors, poets, musicians, painters, sculptors and all others (including experimental artists and polymath artists) are encouraged to enter to be spotlighted on the site! A new artist is spotlighted every Saturday.

How to submit: Fill out the form below and send it (and the application donation via paypal) to:

The application donation ($20) is currently halved to $10 until January 1st, 2012! (Find out where this donation goes by visiting the F.A.Q. page.) If, for some reason, your application is rejected or never received, don't worry-- your donation will be refunded. (make sure to send your application from the same email as your paypal address or make a note in the paypal donation stating the name of the artist it is for so things don't get mixed up!)


Name: (include any pen names if you wish)

About Me: (type a short bio of your achievements, accolades, artistic styles, techniques, etc. Anything that defines you)

My Pledge: (This is the most important part-- here you make a promise to do certain things if you sell enough art to meet these goals. Fill out each category below. Remember, this is your selling point. This is where you motivate people to buy your art!)

If I reach:
  • $50: 
  • $100:
  • $500:
  • $1,000:
  • $5,000:
  • $10,000:
My Ultimate Goal: (What would you do to make the world a better place if you had (potentially) millions of dollars?)

Where To Buy: (website link(s) required. This can be your own personal website, your store on Etsy, Ebay, DeviantArt, Kindle or any other website where you actively sell your art.)

Results: (There is no need to fill this out now, but if you reach a pledge target, your audience is going to expect you to follow through! Send statements, pictures, or anything else relevant to you keeping your promise to the people to the submission email with the word "AFFIRMATIONS" in the subject line. It will be placed on the site in the Affirmations section as soon as possible!)

Include a picture of yourself as well!

Want to see an example of how this form can be filled out? Check out the Past Artists page!

Have a question? The answer might be over in the F.A.Q. page!

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Help keep Purchase Progress alive! Visit our sponsors! :)

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